Tuesday 22 February 2022

Error - TechSoup Validation Tokens

I have recently been trying to get a TechSoup Validation Tokens for our Ocean Plastic Charity , which is newly registered. 

You need the TechSoup Validation Token to register for a non-profit, with google.org

Firstly we are transferred from Techsoup to "Charity Digital" which is a bit confusing. 

I am asked to register an organisation, and taken to charity commission lookup wizard.

But I keep getting the error messages: 

When Entering Charity Number 

If I put in charity number then I get the following error message: 

"Sorry, we couldn't retrieve the details for "1197869" from the Charity Commission database, please check you have used the correct Charity ID and try again."

What is Charity ID?

I thought perhaps charity ID might be the Name: "People Against Plastic Pollution"

Or the reference number used in the charity commission charity page link (5189359). 

But no both of these return errors. 

"Sorry, the Charity Commission database seems to be unavailable."

So I think my first assumption that Charity ID is the same as Charity number (1197869) is correct. 

"Solution "

Choose Option 6 from list of registration options.

You may have to log in and out again.

 Environmental Consultants London