Monday, 30 April 2018

Reasons to Switch from iOS to Android

Reasons to Switch from iOS to Android - Intro

OK! I have already made up mu mind to leave iOS, but here for those who are considering it is list of reasons why you might want too, and some reasons why it is probably easier then you think.

This comes from the perspective of a PC user who just wants a working phone, and does want to kneel on the door step of his local Apple Store in a trance like stupor every time they release a new model.

Reasons to Switch from iOS to Android - The Stick

I have been driven away from the iPhone and iOS by two events in the last year. . . . .

  1. The Slow Update Thing. . . . . I do not like to waste things. The thought of African kids picking apart my old electronics and dying early deaths weighs on my mind. The first thing I do when I get a new phone is put it in a bomb proof case. My iPhone 4S was in a otter box armour for it entire life, and was pristine. So you can imagine when Apple broke it (on purpose it seems) with an an update, I was a bit miffed. It was so laggy I just had to upgrade, and being a fool I went for and iPhone 6 which had. . . . . 
  2. The Battery Thing . . . . . . I did not update my phone this time around, which is hard work because Apple nags you to update, just like a spoilt child might nag you for the latest games console. So I expected long life, but alas my phone started cutting out at random intervals, when the battery was below 50%. Very annoying, often in the middle of calls, or when relying on navigation at a traffic junction. . . this is the battery problem Apple were trying to hide with their slow slow update. 
So that's it. I now have 2 bits of e-waste likely bound for India, or Africa because of Apple. I also paid £500 - £600 for these, bits of junk. I am not going back for more. 

Reasons to Switch from iOS to Android - The Carrot

I have been tempted by Android Phones for the following reasons . . . . 

  1. Waaaaaaay Cheaper . . . . You can get a cracking Android Phone for £200, you can get an OK one for £120. You can get a absolute rocket ship for £400. And we are still only half way to the price of last years iPhone. 
  2. Freeeeeedom. . . (of a sort) You can actually choose your OS version. Imagine that! Being able to install what ever software version you like on your phone (which you own). Amazing. Very Novel.
  3. Expand Memory Cheaply. . . Apple charge you £100+ for extra memory. Most android phones have a slot for a SD card, so you can add extra memory for £11.
  4. Take Music With You. . . . with iTunes and a few click you can export all your purchased music to MP3 and then put it on you new phone, often using the windows file system.
  5. Take Some Apps Too . . . . some apps are available on google play as well as iTunes, it is possible to transfer licenses on some, such as copilot GPS.
  6. Battery Life . . . . my latest phone lasts for 3 days between charges. Imagine that. 
  7. Knowledge of OS not specific to brand. Many many companies OS android OS, so once you have learnt to use it you can change manufacture without having to learn a new system.

Reasons to Switch from iOS to Android - Further Discussion

Apple used to make market leading phones. But others have now caught up. Save some money and buy and Android Phone. 


  1. my daughter has an iPhone. she says her next phone will be android, just like the ones before the iPhone. says it all really.
    I am sure iPhones are good, just not as fabulously good as folks assume!
    Me? I get my daughter's "hand-me-down" phones.
    Reuse, rather than recycle!

  2. Best way. My kids are not old enough, so they are having our old phones to play on apps with unicorns and stuff.


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