Friday 6 July 2018

5100 Series and 5300 Series processors in XW6600 and XW8600

5100 Series and 5300 Series processors in XW6600 and XW8600

Here wirtten are findings with regards to use of older processors in newer machines.

What I actually did:

I tried to use a 5335 xeon processor in a XW6600. It does not boot.

What I have assumed from this:

You cannot use an older proccessor from a XW8400 or XW6400 in the newer macines, the processors are not compatable. Which is a shame.

5100 Series and 5300 Series processors will not work in the XW8600 or XW6600. This despite them sharing FSB , socket type, manufactuer . . .even the coolers are interchangeable.

As a side note: Memeory is interchangeable between the newer and older models metioned here, for example Memeory from a XW8400 can be used in a XW6600.

So to conlude I suspect the following processors will NOT work in a XW8600 or XW6600:

  • Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 5310/ 1.60 GHz,1066 MHz FSB
  • Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 5320/ 1.86 GHz,1066 MHz FSB
  • Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 5335/ 2.00 GHz,1333 MHz FSB
  • Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 5345/ 2.33 GHz,1333 MHz FSB
  • Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 5355/ 2.66 GHz,1333 MHz FSB
  • Quad -Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 5365/ 3.00 GHz,1333 MHz FSB
  •  Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® 5110/ 1.60 GHz, 4MB L2, 1066 MHz FSB
  • Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® 5120/ 1.86 GHz, 4MB L2, 1066 MHz FSB
  • Dual-ore Intel® Xeon® 5130/ 2.00 GHz, 4MB L2, 1333 MHz FSB
  • Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® 5140/ 2.33 GHz, 4MB L2, 1333 MHz FSB
  • Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® 5150/ 2.66 GHz, 4MB L2, 1333 MHz FSB
  • Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® 5160/ 3.00 GHz, 4MB L2, 1333 MHz FSB
  • Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 5365/ 3.00 GHz,1333 MHz FSB

Have fun!

Sunlight and Daylight Assessment


  1. unless you are getting the xeons at "surplus" pricing (i.e. almost free), does it even make sense to try. There are a lot of decent modern processors about from both AMD and intel,
    (I am writing this on a midrange AMD 2010 processor mounted on a rather fancy 2010 Asus board - i paid my money in 2010, and it all still works, so i keep using it! OK, so I fitted a decent-sized boot ssd last year, but apart from that, it is much of a muchness).
    Yes, server boards can often mount a LOT of memory, but even my 2010 board has 4 ddr3 slots.
    Admittedly, if the cost of obselete server gear ir really low, then enjoy, but for my money, i'll be getting an upper range asus "consumer" board in 2020 (when w7 support ends) and bunging in a modern hex- or oct-core processor.
    Just my 2 cents - ymmv

  2. you can get a HP "Z" series PC for £120. They are absolute beasts and solid as a rock reliability wise. Processors can be had for £2. Memory £1 per GB.

    The most intensive thing i do is rung ASDM model for dispersion of pollutants. It will munch these for hours with no problems. Unless you swap out the cpu cooler fan for a non standard and do it in hot weather. . . .then I had a problem. Dual CPU as well, so up to 8 cores if you want them.

  3. I bought a XW6600 the other day to replace my melted xw8400. I suppose the best thing about a ASUS mother board is that it takes a wide variety of CPUs?


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